AIR Tutorial AIR Birch A  

"Our mission is the promotion and success of American Indians within education."

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Tutorial Summer

The AIR Program tutorial project started in 2008 as part of an overall attempt to provide more academic services to our San Diego American Indian Community. This portion of our overall AIR Program is not funded, but is provided by our overall list of volunteers providing community service to our program. Many of our American Indian student participants are not given the proper academic services that they are entitled to and deserve. Therefore, we hold true to our mission in providing this service to our community as statistically American Indians have one of the highest drop-out rates in the nation and in the San Diego county.

Our tutorial project will provide tutorial services from 1st grade to 12th grade students. The students must provide a waiver by the parents to allow them to attend the project and must provide the most up-to-date grades and any relevant indicators on academic subject areas that the student may have problems.  Parents will be informed on student’s progress on a bi-weekly session after the tutorial. 

AIR Tutorial meets on Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm at our University of San Diego Campus location.  Our meetings are set only for the time due to room availability on campus and we are bound to such allocations. The campus allows us to provide a safe and educational center for our students that we tutor. Tutors come from the University of San Diego (both undergraduates and alumni) from both USD and surrounding universities.

For more information on our AIR Tutorial Project:

Contact our Youth Service Specialist: 
Kate Gordon at:

AIR Student


The AIR Program does not discriminate based on sex, sexual orientation, color of skin, religious background, nor ethnic background. The AIR Program is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is funded through public and private donations and grants. Its accounting is a legal responsibility of the AIR Programs Board. Any issues regarding interpretation of the AIR Program guidelines will be reviewed by the AIR Programs Board. All AIR Program general guidelines and rules are subject to change with trends of the time, location customs, and on an as needed basis.